Iskraemeco Supports EU Commission Goals for Carbon Neutrality

June 2022

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Iskraemeco Supports EU Commission Goals for Carbon Neutrality

Climate change and natural resource depletion is a major problem that negatively impacted our earth and action needs to be taken now. Studies show that 93% of European Union citizens consider climate change to be a serious problem and a clear majority of the EU population would like to see increased action against climate change (Eurobarometer). Climate change problems mainly arise from cities that only cover 3 % of the Earth’s surface, but consume more than 75% of all natural resources, and produce about 72 % of all greenhouse gas emissions. The European Commission has devised plans to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050, hence it has become adamant that cities take a stand now and adopt new technologies and strategies to counter the effects of climate change and save the earth from an inevitable fate.

Digitization offers countless opportunities that serve the sustainable development of cities and improve the quality of life. As cities expand so does the potential for cross-sector integration and the implementation of complex infrastructures such as smart grids. The implementation of smart grids, smart homes, and smart cities powered by iot energy solutions will contribute to multiple sustainability goals and allow cities to fight the climate crisis.

Iskraemeco offers research driven smart solutions that are based on sustainability, its smart city solutions are a multifaceted ecosystem of solutions that connect all vertical and horizontal ecosystems with various stakeholders such as residents, societies, local utilities, municipalities, and businesses. Their smart city projects introduce innovative solutions that set the benchmark for smart city initiatives and define how local businesses and public administration should collaborate, benefiting both municipalities and citizens.